Thursday, 18 May 2023

Lets eat Cake!

Crafting is sporadic due to health issues, Pernicious Anaemia flare ups have been really bad over the last couple of months, coupled with the fact that a doctor I have never met, or spoke too (dr surgery merged) has decided because as my B12 level is 2000 I am not deficient, never mind its a false high as I get injected with it every eighth week (for 20 years) and it shouldn't even be re tested for that reason. 
Quoted 'NICE' guidelines to the receptionist who duly sent a note to the Dr, Dr now is insisting I am not B12 deficient and never have been.....never mind the fact that she missed my iron and folate levels are actually showing  as deficient as well from the same blood test... off to the doctors I go, armed with 'NICE' guidelines.... my illness, my life.

Anyhoo, back to crafting.

Over on Facebook, Gecko Galz asked for  "invitaion/celebration of afternoon tea or birthday party".
So I went with the traditional 'Let them eat Cake' theme.

Thanks for reading!
