Thursday 16 April 2015

Happy Birthday!

Another old family photo - mum and Uncle Brian celebrating their 21st..... way back in 1960! (with Granddad George sneaking a look-in.)

digi kit - Daisy Trail's Vintage Valentine
Decided to go with a heavy, ornate look with roses, as that was what mum liked. Used the same colour as the photo's wallpaper for the backing paper and the frame.


  1. Wonderful, it all looks so much of the period, love the rose and the frames. Thank you for joining us at Digitally Sweet Challenges, Glad to see you again. Drop in on Monday, there may be something for you!

  2. Lovely layout. Thank you for joining the challenge at Digitally Sweet. Hope to see you again next time.

  3. What a lovely photograph and page layout, such a lovely memory. Lainie xx

  4. What a lovely photograph and page layout, such a lovely memory. Lainie xx

  5. I absolutely love your layout! It's so ornate!
    Thanks for joining us at Digitally Sweet!
